Policies and Regulations

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  • Policies and Regulations
  1. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in seeing that their child follows the school rules of conduct and discipline.
  2. As far as possible, parents must avoid taking child in between the classes. In case, anybody other than the parents are coming to take the child, an authorization letter should be submitted. Permission given only for emergency needs.
  3. No student shall leave the campus (unless ill) before school departure, if the student leaves the school before the first break, he/she will not be marked present. If the student leaves during lunch break, he/she will be given attendance for half day only.
  4. The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings of the student.
  5. Girls should not apply nail polish or ‘mehandi’ when the school is in session.Expensive jewellery is not to be worn to school. Chains, ear-rings or nose rings/pins are not permitted. Boys should not wear rings, chains or ear-rings.
  6. The school will not be responsible for money borrowed or lost.
  7. Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch, spoil or damage any school furniture or draw anything on the walls or in any way cause damage to things belonging to others. Any willful damage done has to be made good of by the one responsible for it and the parents will have to bear the cost of the same.
  8. Expensive articles like laptops, calculators, mobile phones etc. should not be brought to the school.
  9. It is compulsory for all students to be present for Assembly in the morning.
  10. It is also compulsory for all students to participate in National Days Independence Day, Republic Day etc.
  11. Students moving along the corridors or changing classes must walk.
  12. Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature to the school.
  13. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress in studies is consistently unsatisfactory, or whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students.
  14. Immoral behaviour, insubordination, disrespect and discourtesy to teachers, contempt of authority or willful damage to property is sufficient reason for dismissal.
  15. The student who is absent without proper permission for an examination shall be considered as having failed.
  16. Use of unfair means by students during tests, examinations etc. will be viewed seriously and action taken accordingly.
  17. All students should bring the Student Diary to school daily. If it is lost, a new diary must be brought.
  18. Students should not bring crackers, animals, pets etc. to school.
  19. Students must attend all school functions and participate in them to the best of their ability.
  20. Students are advised to bring their food and water as per the food menu (strictly vegetarian). The lunch box should be covered with a kerchief.
  21. There are certain items which are prohibited in the school campus. Non- Vegetarian food including egg, Fizzy drinks, Junk food, Chewing gum, Electronics gadgets, smart watch etc.
  22. Students are advised not to accept sweets or such other things from strangers and avoid any contact with such people.
  23. As already indicated above, absence needs to be explained and regularized.
  24. Only in case of illness students can be granted leave during the academic year ie. outside regular vacation periods.
  25. It is compulsory for students to have 80% attendance in the year to make them eligible for the final examination.
  26. Continuous absence without any sort of intimation can result in the name being struck-off the rolls. Re-admission will be at the discretion of the Principal.
  27. A student returning to school after suffering from an infection orcontagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. A student with fever should not be sent to school but taken care of at home.
  28. Students are not allowed to wear sleeveless, tight fitting and deep neck and low waist dresses to school.
It is the duty of every student
  1. To become an educated and cultured citizen of the country.
  2. To respect the teachers, Principal and Management in an out of the classrooms. also to be respectful and be cordial with all the staff members of the school.
  3. To obey parents and help the younger ones.
  4. To be polite and humble.
  5. To respect the National Anthem, National Song and the National Flag.
  6. To always speak the truth and be honest.
  7. To study diligently and be punctual in attendance.
  8. To come to school clean, well groomed and neatly dressed.
  9. To come to school with all the things necessary for learning process.
  10. To complete the class work, home assignments, projects etc…, neatly and promptly.
  11. To carry the school diary to note down the announcements correctly so as to inform the parents.
  12. To enter and leave the classroom with permission of the teacher.
  13. To observe silence in library.
  14. To bring healthy food to school and to avoid junk food.
  15. To protect the school property.
  16. To keep the surroundings clean and tidy.
  17. To keep the washrooms neat.
  18. To be kind to animals and plants and take care of the environment.
  19. To use water judiciously and turn off the fans and lights when not needed and before leaving the classroom.
  20. To participate actively in CCA, cultural programmes, national functions etc.
  21. To report to the teachers immediately the incidents of bullying or acts of. Indiscipline which hurt other students.

It is the duty of every student to refrain from indulging in the acts mentioned below: The following acts and conduct on the part of the students will amount to misconduct.

  1. Misbehaviour
  2. Late coming to class, labs, library causing disturbance to the peaceful activities of the class.
  3. Absence from classes without intimation to / permission of teacher/Principal.
  4. Bullying/intimidating others.
  5. Eve-teasing/misbehaviour towards fellow students, particularly girl students.
  6. Damaging/disfiguring school property.
  7. Propagating communal / caste/regional feeling amongst the students.
  8. Indulging in physical violence in any manner.
  9. Disobeying orders of the teacher/staff/Principal.
  10. Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
  11. Theft/pilferage/ damage of school/ students’/teachers’ property, misuse & any damage cause to it.
  12. Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
  13. Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
  14. Use of unfair means, tampering of marks copying during exams.
  15. Not submitting journals, assignments and monthly reports on time.
  16. Not coming to school in proper uniform, identity card, school bag etc…
  17. Any incident of untoward behaviour or waywardness.
  18. Use of un-parliamentary language.
  19. Littering in and around the school.
  20. Writing on the desks and walls of the classrooms.
  21. Bringing electronic gadgets, costly ornaments and fancy items to school.
  22. Spreading rumours about others.
  23. Teasing and calling teachers or students by derogatory names, nick names or short names.

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